Although we now have a site dedicated to the “New” Gospel of Interpretation, we have chosen here a few works…
This section aims to inform about works, texts, people etc. that, even if not directly, contribute to the Gospel of…
Quotes Related to the “New” Gospel of Interpretation: –> The Late Mrs. Anna Kingsford, M.D. — Obtuary –> At Some Distant…
In this Section we present works directly linked to the message of Dr. Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland, or to…
ABHEDANANDA, Swami. El Evangelio de Ramakrishna (The Gospel of Ramakrishna). Buenos Aires, Kier, 1952. 282 pp. BACON, Francis – Novum…
Ideas Rule the World “Hear (…) the old, old axiom that ‘Ideas rule the world’; and as men’s minds receive…