In this Section we present works directly linked to the message of Dr. Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland, or to the “New” Gospel of Interpretation, which is the denomination of the main legacy, or message, of these true and great prophets, still very little recognized in our time – an era that is still characterized by the predominance of idolatry and materialism.
They are works, therefore, representing the prophesied restoration of the Old Esoteric Doctrine which, through the interpretation of the mysteries of religion, must reconcile faith and reason, religion and science, and effect the fall of that priestly system which – “making the word of God without any effect by their traditions” – has so far usurped and perverted the truth of Christianity.
The perspective of these works is that Christian doctrines, when correctly understood, are necessary and self-evident truths, which can be recognized as representing and grounded in the real nature of existence, incapable of being conceived as being something different from that, and constituting a a system of thought that is both scientific, philosophical and religious – absolutely unassailable (inexpugnable), and satisfying for the highest aspirations of the human being, whether intellectual, moral, or spiritual.
A few of these works are in Portuguese language, but most, especially the one that is the most important (The Perfect Way, or the Discovery of Christ), are in the original English. These complete works can be found on the Anna Kingsford website.
We added summary presentations of the contents of these works to facilitate a synthetic visualization of them. Below are the links to the selected works:
The Perfect Way; or, the Finding of Christ. Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland. Hamilton, Adams & Co., London, 1882. Second revised and enlarged edition: Field and Tuer, London, 1887; 3rd edition: 1890. Fifth edition, with additions, and long Biographical Preface by Samuel Hopgood Hart: John M. Watkins, Londron, 1923. 405 pp.
This work presents the “intellectual concepts” that form the basis of Christianity (but that its official exhibitors do not present, or are unable to present), and it demonstrates that Christianity is a symbolic synthesis of the fundamental truths contained in all religions.
Prefaces – Introductory – The Soul; and the Substance of Existence – The Various Orders of Spirits; and How to Discern Them – The Atonement – The Nature and Constitution of the Ego – The Fall (Nº. 1) – The Fall (Nº. 2) – The Redemption – God as the Lord; or, the Divine Image – Appendices – Index of Subjects and Principal Words.
Clothed with the Sun: Being the Illuminations of Anna (Bonus) Kingsford. Anna Kingsford. Edited by Edward Maitland. Fist edition: John M. Watkins, London, 1889. Second edition: The Ruskin Press, Birmingham, 1906. Third edition: edited by Samuel Hopgood Hart, 1937. Sun Books (reprint), Santa Fe, 1993. 210 pp.
Dedication (v)
Preface to the Third Edition (Samuel Hopgood Hart, xi-xvii)
Preface to the First Edition (Edward Maitland, xviii-xxxii)
Part the First
No. I: Concerning the Three Veils Between Man and God (1-3)
No. II: Concerning Inspiration and Prophesying (4-7)
No. III: Concerning the Prophecy of the Immaculate Conception (7-9)
No. IV: Concerning Revelation (9-11)
No. V: Concerning the Interpretation of the Mystical Scriptures (11-15)
No. VI: Concerning the Mosaic Cosmogony (15-17)
No. VII: Concerning the Fall (17-19)
No. VIII: Concerning the Prophecy of the Deluge (19-20)
No. IX: Concerning the Prophecy of the Book of Esther (20-22)
No. X: Concerning the Prophecy of the Vision of Nebuchadnezzar (22-23)
No. XI: Concerning the Prophecy of the Time of the End (23-27)
No. XII: Concerning the Soul: Its Origin, Nature, and Potentialities (27-34)
No. XIII: Concerning Persephone, or the Soul’s Descent into Matter (34-35)
No. XIV: Concerning the Genius or “Daimon” (36-42)
No. XV: Concerning the “Powers of the Air” (43-46)
No. XVI: Concerning the Devil and Devils (46-47)
No. XVII: Concerning the Gods (47-48)
No. XVIII: Concerning the Greek Mysteries (48-52)
No. XIX: Concerning the Origin of Evil, and the Tree as the Type of Creation (52-54)
No. XX: Concerning the Great Pyramid, and the Initiations Therein (55-57)
No. XXI: Concerning the “Man of Power” (57-60)
No. XXII: Concerning the “Work of Power” (60-63)
No. XXIII: Concerning Regeneration (63-65)
No. XXIV: Concerning the Man Regenerate (65-68)
No. XXV: Concerning the Christ and the Logos (68-69)
No. XXVI: Concerning the Perfectionment of the Christ (69-70)
No. XXVII: Concerning Christian Pantheism (70-71)
No. XXVIII: Concerning the “Blood of Christ” (71-73)
No. XXIX: Concerning Vicarious Atonement (73-77)
No. XXX: Concerning Paul and the Disciples of Jesus (77-79)
No. XXXI: Concerning the Manichaeism of Paul (80)
No. XXXII: Concerning the Gospels: Their Origin and Composition (80-84)
No. XXXIII: Concerning the Actual Jesus (84-87)
No. XXXIV: Concerning the Previous Lives of Jesus (87-88)
No. XXXV: Concerning the Holy Family (89-90)
No. XXXVI: Concerning the Metempsychosis or Avatâr (90-92)
No. XXXVII: Concerning the Aeon of the Christ (92-93)
No. XXXVIII: Concerning the Doctrine of Grace (93-94)
No. XXXIX: Concerning the “Four Atmospheres” (94-95)
No. XL: Concerning the Hereafter (96-99)
No. XLI: Concerning the True Ego (99-101)
No. XLII: Concerning God (101-104)
No. XLIII: Concerning Psyche, or the Superior Human Soul (104-108)
No. XLIV: Concerning the Poet, as Type of the Heavenly Personality (108-111)
No. XLV: Concerning Psyche (111-113)
No. XLVI: Concerning Consciousness and Memory in Relation to Personality (113-116)
No. XLVII: Concerning the Substantial Ego as the True Subject (116-118)
No. XLVIII: Concerning the Christian Mysteries (120-123)
No. XLIX: Concerning Dying (123-124)
No. L: Concerning the One Life: Being a Recapitulation (125-130)
Part the Second
“I AM” (133)
No. I: The Credo: Being a Summary of the Spiritual History of the Sons of God, and the Mysteries of the Kingdoms of the Seven Spheres (134)
No. II: The “Lord’s Prayer”: Being a Prayer of the Elect for Interior Perfectionment (134)
No. III: Concerning Holy Writ (135)
No. IV: Concerning Sin and Death (135-137)
No. V: Concerning the “Great Work,” the Redemption, and the Share of Christ Jesus Therein (137-140)
No. VI: Concerning Original Being; or, “Before the Beginning” (141-142)
No. VII: Alpha, or “In the Beginning” (142)
No. VIII: Beta, or Adonai, the Manifestor (142-143)
No. IX: Gamma, or the Mystery of Redemption (143-145)
No. X: Delta, or the Mystery of Generation (145-147)
No. XI: Epsilon, or the First of the Gods: Proem and Hymn to Phoibos (147-148)
No. XII: Zeta, or the Second of the Gods: Proem, Hymn to Hermes, and an Exhortation of Hermes to his Neophytes (149-153)
No. XIII: Eta, or (mystically) the Third of the Gods: Proem, and Hymns to the Planet God, to Hephaistos, to Demeter, to Poseidon and to Pallas Athena (153-163)
No. XIV: Theta, or (mystically) the Fourth of the Gods: Hymn to Aphrodite, and a Discourse of the Communion of Soules, and of the Uses of Love between Creature and Creature; being part of the Goldene Booke of Venus (164-169)
No. XV: Lambda, or the Last of the Gods; Being the Secret of Satan (169-173)
No. XVI: The Seven Spirits of God and Their Correspondences (173)
No. XVII: The Mysteries of the Kingdoms of the Seven Spheres (173-174)
Part the Third
Concerning the Divine Image; or the Vision of Adonai (177-182)
Notes (187-201)
Definitions and Explanations (201-210)
The Life of Anna Kingsford: Her Life, Letters, Diary and Work. Written by her great colaborator, Edward Maitland. Two volumes. George Redway, London, 1896. Thurd Edition, complete with additions. Ilustrated with photos, landscapes and reproductions, edited by Samuel Hopgood Hart: John M. Watkins, London, 1913. Vol. I, 442 pp.; Vol. II, 466 pp.
Volume First
Preface to the Third Edition (v-xvii)
Preface to the First Edition (xviii-xix)
Early Life (1-25)
Our First Acquaintance (26-33)
Some Account of Myself (34-43)
Mutual Recognition (44-54)
To End of 1875 (55-68)
Student Life (69-89)
Spiritual Unfoldments (90-106)
VIII. The Celestial Opened (107-129)
A Cloud of Witnesses(130-169)
Persecuted of Apollyon (170-209)
The Baffled Sorcerer (210-240)
Manifold Experiences (241-275)
The First and Last of the Gods (276-294)
Warnings and Instructions (295-321)
Floods of Light (322-343)
Close of Student Course (344-373)
Among the Astrals (374-387)
Conversations with the Genii (388-415)
Continuous Illuminations (416-442)
Volume Second
The Perfect Way (1-21)
Numerous Experiences (22-43)
Varied Activities (44-71)
A Tour Abroad (72-94)
Winter at Paris (95-115)
The Theosophical Society (116-137)
A Time of Controversy (138-171)
Meditations on the Mysteries (172-184)
The Hermetic Society (185-211)
Letters and Illuminations (212-234)
Some Former Incarnations (235-251)
De Multis Rebus (252-271)
A Flight for Life (272-299)
A Melancholy Tour (300-322)
A Home to Die In (323-350)
The Withdrawal (351-363)
Priest versus Prophet (364-404)
Post Mortem (405-442)
Index (445-466)
The Story of Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland and of the New Gospel of Interpretation. Edward Maitland. 1st Edition, 1893. 2nd Edition, 1894. 3rd Edition, edited by Samuel H. Hart: Ruskin Press, Birmingham, 1905. 204 pp.
Contents: Prefaces – Introduction – Vocation – Initiation – Comunication – Antagonisation – Recapitulation – Exemplification – Promulgation and Recognition.
The Bible’s Own Account of Itself. Edward Maitland. 1st Edition: Ruskin Press, Birmingham, 1891. 2nd Edition, complete with Appendix: Ruskin Press, Birmingham, 1905. 83 pp. 3rd Edition: John M. Watkins, London, 1913.
Preface to the Second Edition (iii-viii)
Preface to the First Edition (ix)
CHAPTER I – The failure of Orthodoxy and Agnosticism to interpret the Bible due to their common error in assuming its standpoint to be literal, instead of that which the Bible itself claims – namely, the mystical. (1-5)
CHAPTER II – The sources of information whereby to determine this question are four in number, being (1) the Bible itself; (2) the consensus of qualified commentators; (3) the general usage in corresponding scriptures; (6-11) and
CHAPTER III – (4) The intrinsic nature of the case, as arising from the function of religion, and discerned by the spiritual consciousness. (12-15)
CHAPTER IV – The doctrine of the Bible in neither that of Orthodoxy nor of Materialism, but of Pantheism, in that it involves the divinity of inherency in such wise that evolution, which is the manifestation of inherency, is accomplished only by the realisation of divinity, the only barrier to which realisation is man’s own will. (16-22)
CHAPTER V – The necessary unity, duality, and trinity of Original, and therein of all, Being. The mystical “woman,” of the Bible, in the universal Substance; in the individual, the Soul. Her recognition and appreciation to constitute the “Woman’s Age.” The two trinities, of the Unmanifest and the Manifest, and the failure of Orthodoxy to distinguish between them. (23-26)
CHAPTER VI – The passage of Original Being from the static to the dynamic state, in which it is designated “Holy Spirit,” is followed by the “generation” of the gods and the world. (27-30)
CHAPTER VII – The narrative of the Creation, the Flood, and the Nativity. Divine incarnation, rightly defined, both a logical necessity and an actual fact. (31-36)
CHAPTER VIII – The divinity of inherency, evolution, immortality, regeneration, and re-incarnation, as indispensable to divine incarnation, implied in the promise make to Eve in the sentence pronounced on the serpent, and similarly in the declaration of Jesus to Nicodemus. (37-41)
CHAPTER IX – The “Divine Marriage.” The initial and final stages of man’s spiritual evolution, represented by “Adam” and “Christ,” “Eve” and “Mary,” “David.” Method of redemption purely spiritual. Unscriptural and blasphemous nature of the Orthodox presentations. The sacrifice alone of divine appointment, and efficacious, that insisted on by the prophets in opposition to the priests. These two orders in conflict throughout the Bible. How to “put on Christ.” The Higher Alchemy and the true Resurrection. (42-48)
CHAPTER X – The Soul’s Intuition, the interpreter deliverer, represented in the Bible as a woman, and symbolised also by the “ass.” Raab, Jael, Esther; David and Daniel; Balaam, Samson and Jesus. The ego in man, the problem of this the same as the as the God in the universe. “Christ” macrocosmic as well as microcosmic. The Church Invisible as “body” of the former. The love of God by which man is saved, the love of perfection. The Finding of Christ the completion of the Intuition and realisation of the Ideal. Jesus, why selected to be the new exemplar. (49-55)
CHAPTER XI – The mystic exodus from the mystic Egypt, a recovered ritual of the ancient mysteries. (56-61)
CHAPTER XII – The significance of the work represented by this exposition as indicative of the meaning of the Age. The “time of the end,” the “end of the world,” the “abomination of desolation,” the “budding of the fig-tree,” the coming to “sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of God,” the “drying up of the Euphrates and passage of the kings of the East,” the “Two Witnesses,” their resurrection and ascension, the “war in heaven” and “standing up of Michael,” the “coming of the Son of man” and descent of the “Holy City” – the intended sense of these expressions, and their present actual realisation in that sense. The Mystic and the Materialist, the former’s admonition to the latter, and exposition of the order of the Christ. (62-69)
Letter, “On the Trinity.” (70-75)
Extract from Letter, “The Church and the Bible.” (76-83)
Addresses and Essays on Vegetarianism. The work combine texts by Anna Kingsford and by Edward Maitland. Edited by Samuel Hopgood Hart. John M. Watkins, London, 1912. 227 pp.
Biographical Preface (Samuel Hopgood Hart, 1-60)
(1881) 1. Social Considerations (61-63)
(1881-2) 2. Letters on Pure Diet (64-76)
(1882) 3. A Lecture on Food (77-100)
(1884) 4. The Best Food for Men (101-112)
(1885) 5. The Physiology of Vegetarianism (113-118)
- Historical Aspects of Food Reform (119-123)
- Some Aspects of the Vegetarian Question (124-144)
- Addresses to Vegetarians (145-150)
- Evolution and Flesh-Eating (151-152)
(1877) 10. Extracts from “England and Islam” (153-158)
(1885) 12. Vivisection and Vegetarianism (170-174)
(1893) 15. The Highest Aspect of Vegetarianism (181-194)
- Vegetarianism – The Common Sense of It (195-201)
- Man’s Best Food (202-205)
- Vegetarianism and Antiquity (206-213)
- Vegetarianism and the Bible (214-224)
The next work contains teachings of the same quality as the above works as far as its origin and character, but also contains some ligther texts:
Dreams and Dream Stories. Anna Kingsford. Edited by Edward Maitland. Second edition: George Redway, London, 1888. 281 pp.
Preface (pp. 7-14)
Part I:
The Doomed Train (pp. 15-18)
The Wonderful Spectacles (pp. 19-20)
The Counsel of Perfection (pp. 21-22)
The City of Blood (pp. 22-24)
The Bird and the Cat (pp. 24-25)
The Treasure in the Lighted House (pp. 25-26)
The Forest Cathedral (pp. 26-30)
The Enchanted Woman (pp. 30-36)
The Banquet of the Gods (pp. 36-38)
The Difficult Path (pp. 39-41)
A Lion in the Way (p. 41)
A Dream of Disembodiment (pp. 41-43)
The Perfect Way with Animals (pp. 43-44)
The Laboratory Underground (pp. 44-45)
The Old Young Man (pp. 45-49)
The Metempsychosis (pp. 49-51)
The Three Kings (pp. 51-53)
The Armed Goddess (pp. 54-55)
The Game of Cards (pp. 56-58)
The Panic-Struck Pack-Horse (pp. 59-60)
The Haunted Inn (pp. 61-63)
An Eastern Apologue (pp. 63-64)
A Haunted House Indeed! (pp. 64-69)
The Square in the Hand (pp. 70-76)
“Through the Ages” (pp. 77-79)
1. A Fragment (p. 80)
2. A Fragment (p. 80)
Signs of the Times (p. 81)
With the Gods (pp. 81-82)
Part II:
A Village of Seers (pp. 85-116)
Steepside; a Ghost Story (pp. 116-147)
Beyond the Sunset (pp. 147-168)
A Turn of Luck (pp. 169-182)
Noémi; or, the Silver Ribbon (pp. 182-212)
The Little Old Man’s Story (pp. 212-242)
The Nightshade (pp. 242-270)
St. George the Chevalier (pp. 270-281)
To the above works we can surely add a few more – since they were recognized by the Esoteric Christian Union (founded by Edward Maitland) as appertaining to the “New” Gospel of Interpretation:
Intima Sacra; a Manual of Esoteric Devotion. Compiled by E.M. Forsyth from the writings by Anna Kingsford. David Stott, London: 370, Oxford Street, W. 1891. 163 pp.
Preface (01)
The Credo (19)
The Lord’s Prayer (21)
Concerning Holy Writ (23)
Concerning Sin and Death (27)
Concerning the Great Work – The Redemption (35)
Concerning Inspiration (43)
Concerning the Immaculate Conception (47)
Concerning the Fall (51)
Concerning Idolatry (55)
Concerning the New Advent (57)
Concerning Prayer (65)
Concerning Creation (67)
Concerning Evil (69)
Concerning Atonement (73)
Concerning the History of the Soul and its Progress (79)
Concerning Re-incarnation (95)
God’s Voice or Nothing (99)
A Counsel of Perfection (103)
The Three Veils Between Man and God (109)
Hymn to Phoibos (Apolo) (123)
Hymn of Aphrodite (131)
Hymn of Love (141)
Meditations (155)
Benediction (161)
The “New Gospel of Interpretation”. Being an Abstract of the Doctrine and a Statement of the Origin, Object, Basis, Method and Scope of the Esoteric Christian Union. Edward Maitland. Published by the Esoteric Christian Union. London, Lamley & Co., 1892. 93 pp.
I. Motivo da Formação da Sociedade – II. Distinção entre o Esotérico e o Eclesiástico – III. A Denúncia do Sacerdotalismo, sua Tripla Fundamentação – IV. Bíblia Insiste no Sentido Esotérico – V. Multiplicidade do Significado das Escrituras – VI. Bíblia, do Início ao Fim, Denuncia o Sacerdotalismo – VII. Bíblia Acusa o Sacerdotalismo de Fazer Uso de Feitiçaria – VIII. Bíblia Afirma que o Sacerdotalismo é de Origem Diabólica – IX. A “Mulher” Não é uma Mulher, Mas Sim a Alma e a Intuição – X. A Queda, Ocasionada pelo Sacerdotalismo Atuando sob Controle Satânico, por Meio da Perversão da Consciência Espiritual – XI. Verdadeira e Esotérica Doutrina da Encarnação Divina – XII. Mistério da Redenção, e o Cristo como o Supremo Resultado Desse Mistério (Incluindo Hino a Febo Apolo) – XIII. Cristo, a Realização no Homem de Suas Próprias Potencialidades Divinas – XIV. Homem, a Expressão Individualizada de Princípios Existentes em Deus – XV. Sacerdotalismo Negou a Dualidade Divina e Suprimiu o Entendimento – XVI. Culpa da Crucificação de Cristo Não Pesa Sobre os Judeus, Mas Sobre o Sacerdotalismo – XVII. Estado Atual do Mundo: Vivissecção, a Total Extinção da “Mulher,” Intuição – XVIII. “Revelação daquele Abominável”, o Espírito que Controla o Sacerdotalismo – XIX. XIX. Expressões “Nascido da Virgem”, “Nascido Novamente”, “Filhos de Deus”, Todas Implicam no Homem Regenerado por Meio de uma Intuição Pura – XX. O Zodíaco, a Grande Pirâmide, a Esfinge e o Obelisco – XXI. Atual Restauração de Faculdade e de Conhecimento Predita na Bíblia – XXII. A Igreja da Regeneração, suas Características: “os Ossos Secos Vivem” – XXIII. Atual Desintegração da Sociedade é Preparatória da Re-integração com Base na Nova Interpretação – XXIV. Evento Aqui Afirmado Significa a Completude do Homem Segundo Sua Própria Imagem Divina, por Meio de Sua Promoção à Maturidade Espiritual. A UNIÃO CRISTÃ ESOTÉRICA.
“A Message to Earth”. Published anonymously. (Compiler’s note: Edited by Edward Maitland, since published by the Esoteric Christian Union together with the writings reconized as appertaining to the “New Gospel of Interpretation”). London (Lamley & Co., 1 & 3 Exhibition Road, S.W.), 1892. 93 pp.
- Aspiration (p. 3)
- Faith (p. 4)
- God’s Kingdom (p. 6)
- Love (p. 7)
- Individuality (p. 8)
- Prayer (p. 9)
- Doubt (p. 11)
- (a) Communion of Souls, (b) Jesus the man (p. 12)
- The Holy Spirit (p. 16)
- Personality (p. 19)
- The Earth’s Coming Redemption (p. 21)
- The God in Man (p. 23)
- Love, the Redeemer (p. 25)
- The Meaning of the Age (p. 27)
- Evolution, the Individuation of God (p. 29)
- The Mission of the Christ (p. 31)
- The Work of Science (p. 32)
- The Work of Christ (p. 33)
- Individual Evolution, Reincarnation the Means, Regeneration the Result (p. 35)
- Love Manifested in Action (p. 38)
- Love Manifested in Action (2) (p. 41)
- Love in Life (p. 43)
- Christ the Demonstration of the Power of Love (p. 44)
- The Interpretation of Christ, the Second Coming of Christ (p. 46)
- Courage Born of Faith and Love (p. 47)
- Christ the Everlasting Type (p. 49)
- Materialism and Unbelief Due to Lack of Faculty (p. 51)
- Jesus the Vehicle, Christ the Spiritual Content (p. 53)
- The Sin Against the Holy Ghost (p. 55)
- Purpose of the Gospel Statement (p. 56)
- Intuition the Recognition of Man’s Indwelling Divinity (p. 60)
- The Ministry of Angels (p. 62)
- Christ the Joyous (p. 64)
- Christ Jesus, His Second and Spiritual Advent (p. 66)
- Prayer(2) (p. 68)
- The True Consciousness (p. 70)
- The Disposal of these Writings (p. 73)
- Relativity of Man’s Conception of Truth (p. 74)
- The Ministry of Suffering (p. 75)
- Love the Solvent (p. 77)
- Closing Admonitions (p. 79)
- To Friend A – Concerning Devotion to the Personal Jesus (p. 82)
- To Friend B – On Expressing the Desire Similarly to Hold Spiritual Intercourse (p. 83)
- To Friend C – On Enquiring why the Term “Father” Only Is Applied to God, when, as Being both the Force and the Substance of Existence, God is Necessarily Mother as well as Father (p. 84)
The Credo of Christendom: and other Addresses and Essays on Esoteric Christianity. The work has texts by Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland. Edited by Samuel Hopgood Hart. John M. Watkins, London, 1916. 256 pp.
Biographical Preface (Samuel Hopgood Hart, 1-93)
- The Credo of Christendom (94-126)
- The Hermetic Fragment Koré Kosmou, the Virgin of the World (127-139)
- The Method of the Mystics (140-142)
- Karma (143-145)
- Bible Hermeneutics (146-156)
- “Violationism,” or Sorcery in Science (157-169)
- The Systematisation and Application of Psychic Truth (170-183)
- The Constitution of Man (184-190)
- Concerning Re-Incarnation (191-196)
- The Doctrine of “Shells” (197-202)
- Extraneous Spirits and Obsession (203-204)
- The Historic “Jesus” (205-219)
- Fate, Heredity, and Re-Incarnation (220-224)
- The Mystic Kings of the East (225-229)
- Christian Mysticism (230-235)
- Animals and their Souls (236-242)
- The Trinity (243-244)
“Via Crucis” (Frontispiece)
The Lower Triangle (104)
The Upper Triangle (105)
The “New Gospel of Interpretation”: Being an Abstract of the Doctrine and a Statement of the Origin, Object, Basis, Method and Scope of the Esoteric Christian Union. Edward Maitland. Published under auspice of the Esoteric Christian Union, whose President-Founder was Edward Maitland. London, Lamley & Co., 1892. 93 pp.
Abstract of Argument and Leading Subjects of Sections (3-7)
Motive of the Society’s Formation (9)
Distinction between the Esoterical and Ecclesiastical (9-11)
The Indictment of Ecclesiasticism, its Threefold Basis (11-12)
The Bible Insists on the Esoteric Sense (12-16)
The Manifoldness of the Sense of Scripture (16-18)
The Bible Throughout Denounces Ecclesiasticism (18-21)
The Bible Charges Ecclesiasticism with Having Recourse to Sorcery (21-23)
The Bible Declares Ecclesiasticism to Be of Diabolical Origin (23-27)
The “Woman” is Not aWoman, But the Soul, and the Intuition (27-32)
The Esoteric and True Doctrine of Divine Incarnation (38-42)
The Mystery of Redemption, and the Christ as the Supreme Result Thereof (42-49)
Christ, the Realisation in Man of His Own Divine Potentialities (49-52)
Man the Individuated Expression of Principles Subsisting in God (52-55)
Ecclesiasticism Denied the Divine Duality and Suppressed Understanding (55-58)
Guilt of the Crucifixion of Christ Not Upon the Jews, But Upon Ecclesiasticism (58-62)
World’s Present State: Vivisection, the Total Extinction of the “Woman,” Intuition (62-68)
“Revelation of that Wicked One,” the Controlling Spirit of Ecclesiasticism (68-72)
The Zodiac, the Great Pyramid, the Sphinx and the Obelisk (74-78)
Present Restoration of Faculty and Knowledge Predicted in the Bible (78-82)
The Church of the Regeneration, its Characteristics: “the Dry Bones Live” (82-85)
Motive of the Society’s Formation (9)
Distinction between the Esoterical and Ecclesiastical as regards both method and criterion. (9)
The Indictment of Ecclesiasticism, its threefold basis. (11)
The Bible insists on the Esoteric sense and the appeal to the Understanding as against Authority; citations in proof. (12)
The manifoldness of the sense of Scripture; fourfold interpretation of Genesis 1. (16)
The Bible throughout denounces Ecclesiasticism for its materialisation of things spiritual, announcing its overthrow by means of a special revelation. The Bible contains clay and dross as well as gold. (18)
Charges it with having recourse to sorcery; “Lucifer,” “Baal,” “Molech,” “King of Babylon,” etc. (21)
And declares it to be of diabolical origin, and for that reason insisting on a blood-loving God; citations in proof. The Apocalypse a prospective history of the Church. “The Beast” and his “number.” (23)
“Michael the prince.” The “Woman” by whose fall comes man’s fall, and by whose restoration man’s redemption, not a woman, but the Soul as represented by the Intuition; explanation of this faculty from the New Interpretation. (27)
The Fall, which is that of the original Church of Christ, brought about by Ecclesiasticism acting under Satanic control, by means of the depravation of man’s spiritual consciousness, to the destruction of the equilibrium between the intellect and the intuition, in virtue of which, and which alone, man is able to understand. “The order of Melchizedek.” Revelation the supreme common-sense. The duality of Original Being in respect of the two factors Force and Substance, constitutes God the universal Father-Mother, and Generation the method both of Creation – which is manifestation – and of Redemption – the latter being called Regeneration, a process necessitating Re-incarnation. Why these essential doctrines were suppressed in favour of salvation by Substitution. (32)
The Esoteric and true doctrine of Divine Incarnation. The mission of Christ the demonstration to others, by His own example, of man’s divine potentialities. The gospels fragmentary only. Love, the redeemer. The “Forgiveness of Sins” and the doctrine of “Karma.” Evolution the manifestation of Inherency; the inherency of existence is divine; wherefore evolution is accomplished only by the realisation of divinity, and is the process of the individuation of divinity. Of this, the real Gospel of Christ, the keynote is the divinity of the substance of existence as the feminine principle in Being, whence the permanence and perfectibility of the individual. (38)
“The mystery of Redemption” and the “Twelve Gates of Regeneration,” and Christ as the supreme result thereof, as set forth in the New Interpretation. (42)
Christ is, therefore, the fulfilment, not the subversion, of the divine-natural order, the realisation in every man of his own divine potentialities, belonging to him in virtue of the divinity of his constituent principles. In denying Substance, Ecclesiasticism has not only deprived man of his divine birthright, but has made itself Anti-Christ, and committed the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. Definitions of these sins. (49)
Man the individuated expression of principles subsisting in God, who is therefore to be “understood by the things which are made.” Difference of this doctrine from anthropomorphism. The dualism of Sex the expression in ultimates of the dualism of Force and Substance subsisting in Original Being, and common to all planes and modes of manifestation, intellectual, moral, and spiritual, as well as physical. (52)
By its denial of the Divine Duality and suppression of the Understanding in favour of authority as the criterion of truth, Ecclesiasticism has blasphemed also the Logos as the Reason of God both in God’s self and in His manifestation in man, and has accordingly systematically perverted all the doctrines of religion, from Reason converting them into Unreason, with the result of placing itself between man and God, not as mediator to bring them together, but as separator to trust them asunder and keep them apart, to the undoing of the work of Christ. (55)
The guilt of the rejection and crucifixion of Christ, rests not upon the Jews, against whom Ecclesiasticism has directed it, but upon Ecclesiasticism itself. And now that it finds the world passing from under its sway, it seeks to strengthen its hold by heaping on yet more and more of the element which has been the Church’s bane, namely materiality, in the shape of an enhanced ritual, thus redoubling the appeal to sense instead of proffering the interpretation which alone can save religion and the world. Its failure to understand, and its consequent perversion of, the Church’s dogmas, illustrated by its action in regard to the doctrine of the “Assumption of the B.V.M.” The true meaning of this doctrine and its relation to the incoming dispensation and the New Interpretation. “The Kingdom of the Mother of God.” (58)
The world’s present state. As the Inquisition served as index to mark the spiritual level of the preceding age, so the institution of Vivisection marks that of the present age; signifying the total extinction of the “Woman,” Intuition, and therein of the moral and spiritual consciousness, it denotes the culmination of the Fall to its lowest point, and the extinction of Humanity in all respects save the outward form. From being grossly corrupt, the intuition is now entirely suppressed, to the total destruction of man’s mental balance, and therein of his status as a rational being. As the last attempt of the powers of evil, working as ever through the world’s Ecclesiasticisms, to abolish God out of the world and establish human society on the ethics of hell, the acceptance of vivisection by Christendom as a legitimate method of research has been made the occasion of the delivery of the New Gospel of Interpretation which is to save the world. (62)
The Bible represents the “revelation of that Wicked One” the controlling spirit of Ecclesiasticism, and the manifestation anew of the Christ, whereby that influence is to be destroyed, as interdependent and simultaneous. The Bible forecasts of this event are manifold – e.g., Esther, Daniel, Michael, the Abomination of Desolation, the budding of the Fig-tree, “Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,” “even My hour is not yet come,” “Behold thy Mother,” “If I will that he tarry till I come,” “in the clouds of heaven,” “the spirit of His mouth and the brightness of His coming.” (68)
The expressions “virgin-born,” “twice-born,” “Son of the Woman,” “Sons of God,” all imply man regenerate through a pure intuition; the Deluge, the Exodus, the Return from the Captivity, the Parable of the Prodigal, etc., also imply the Church’s deliverance from the bondage of Ecclesiasticism and its regeneration through the restoration of the intuition: God’s “two witnesses.” Michael, Melchizedek, and the constellation Libra. (72)
The “Man bearing a pitcher of water.” The Zodiac, the Great Pyramid, the Sphinx and the Obelisk, all alike as now interpreted “signs and witnesses to the Lord in the land of Egypt,” testifying to the doctrine of the Duality in Unity, and the Equilibrium of its two factors as the condition of perfection: the equilibrium this is, not between Spirit and Matter, or God and Nature; but between the two modes of Spirit, Force and Substance, whether in the Unmanifest or Manifest. “Jachin and Boaz;” “Pillars of Hercules.” (74)
This society owes its origination to the recognition, by a group of students of spiritual religion, of the occurrence in the present age of a restoration of faculty and knowledge corresponding to that predicted in the Bible, as exemplified in the writings called the New Gospel of Interpretation. This gospel is not new itself, but new only by reason of its having been suppressed, forgotten, and lost. Its identity in spirit, derivation, kind and method with all previous divine revelations. The Christ born again among the animals. Love, the recognition of the Omnipresent Self. (78)
The Church of the Regeneration, its characteristics. “Roma” reversed; “Peter;” “Mystery;” “the dry bones live;” “the vessels of the house of the Lord” restored, and the temple rebuilt. “Gog, Magog, and Armageddon.” (82)
The message of the New Interpretation to the Ecclesiasticisms, especially that of Science. The condition of the priesthoods of the future. The present disintegration of society preparatory to re-integration on the basis of the New Interpretation. The Lord rules. “Solve, Coagula, Fige.” The “Bow in the clouds.” (85)
Conclusion. For those who know the spiritual nature and history of the World, so far from there being any antecedent improbability in the event herein declared, it was a moral certainty, such that its failure to occur would have constituted an irregularity as perplexing and disastrous as that of the day to follow the night, the summer the winter; that which it means being man’s completion in his proper divine image, by his promotion to his spiritual manhood, and the regeneration of Church and World. (91)
Organisation. Methods. Scriptures of the Future. Books Recognised by the Society as Appertaining to the New Gospel of Interpretation.
The Living Truth in Christianity. Bertram McCrie. John M. Watkins, London: 21 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, 1915. 43 pp. Although this small book was not writen by Anna Kingsford or Edward Maitland, it was writen as an introduction to the message of the two prophet-souls.
To the Reader (01)
Frontispiece (02)
Chapter I (02-07)
– Christ or Caiaphas?
– The Soul Outgrows Dogmas
– Stones for Bread
– An Ideally Perfect Religion
Chapter II (08-11)
– A House Built Upon Sand
– A New Birth for Christianity
– “Lo, I Am With You Always”
Chapter III (11-14)
– “I Am That I Am”
– “In the Beginning Was the Word”
– “Seven Spirits Before His Throne”
– The Divine Thought
Chapter IV (14-16)
– Creation and Redemption
– “All Life Is a Burning”
Chapter V (16-19)
– The Generation of the Soul
– “Know Thy Self”
Chapter VI (19-21)
– The Soul’s Memory
– “Thus Saith the Lord”
Chapter VII (21-22)
– The Fourfold River of Eden
– “Ye Are the Temple of the Living God”
Chapter VIII (22-25)
– “Whatsoever a Man Soweth”
– “Made Perfect Through Suffering”
Chapter IX (25-27)
– PURITY, the Key-Note of Religion
– “The Light of Asia,” and –
– “The Light of the World”
Chapter X (27-31)
– “All Ye Are Brethren”
– The Slaughter of the Innocents
– “Your Hands Are Full of Blood”
– “Thou Shalt Not Kill”
Chapter XI (31-33)
– “The Letter Killeth”
– “The Spirit Giveth Life”
Chapter XII (33-36)
– “Which Things Are an Allegory”
– “Arise, O Soul, and Fly”
– “Work Out Your Own Salvation”
Chapter XIII (36-40)
– An Odyssey of the Soul
– Iesous Chrestos, the Perfect Yes of God
– Worship God Only
Chapter XIV (40-42)
– “Three that Bear Record in Heaven”
– “Let Us Make Man in Our Image”
Chapter XV (42-43)
– “Unto a Perfect Man”
– “Be Ye Therefore Perfect”
Scriptures of the Future; the New Gospel of Interpretation (44-47)
– The Perfect Way: or, the Finding of Christ
– Clothed with the Sun; Being the Book of the Illuminations of Anna (Bonus) Kingsford
– The Story of Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland, and of the New Gospel of Interpretation
– Anna Kingsford: Her Life, Letters, Diary, and Work
– The Bible’s Own Account of Itself
– Addresses and Essays on Vegetarianism
– Dreams and Dream-Stories
[Added by the compiler of the Anna Kingsford Site:]
– Intima Sacra; a Manual of Esoteric Devotion
– The New Gospel of Interpretation
– A Message to Earth
– The Credo of Christendom: and other Addresses and Essays on Esoteric Christianity.
A Roda e a Cruz: Uma Introdução ao Cristianismo Budista (The Wheel and the Cross: An Introduction to Buddhist Christianity). Arnaldo Sisson Filho, with Viviane Pereira. Portuguese text writen by the creator of the Anna Kingsford website, interviwed by the journalist Viviane Pereira. This is the first work solely dedicated to the presentarion of Buddhist Christianity.
Conteúdo: Nota da Edição
1. Ideias Iniciais
2. Os Profetas
3. O Evangelho da Interpretação
4. A Roda
5. A Cruz
6. A Roda e a Cruz
1. Reencarnação e Carma
2. Religião e Organização Sociopolítica
7. Textos Complementares
Ensaios Biográficos (de Samuel Hart)
1. Vida e Obra de Anna Kingsford
2. Vida e Obra de Edward Maitland
Interpretações (de “O Novo Evangelho da Interpretação”)
3. A “Mulher” Não é Uma Mulher, Mas Sim a Alma e a Intuição
4. A Queda, Ocasionada pelo Sacerdotalismo Atuando sob Controle Satânico, por Meio da Perversão da Consciência
5.Verdadeira e Esotérica Doutrina da Encarnação Divina
6. Mistério da Redenção, e o Cristo como o Supremo Resultado desse Mistério
7. Cristo, a Realização no Homem de Suas Próprias Potencialidades Divinas
Interpretações e Visões (de “Vestida com o Sol”)
8. Sobre a Interpretação das Escrituras Místicas
9. Sobre os Mistérios Cristãos
10. Sobre o “Sangue de Cristo”
11. Sobre a Sagrada Família
12. Sobre o Cristo e o Logos
13. Sobre o Aperfeiçoamento de Cristo
14. Sobre a Redenção Vicária
15. Sobre o Verdadeiro Jesus
16. Sobre os Evangelhos: Suas Origens e Composição